Skipole WSGI generator.


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Using Matplotlib to serve an inline svg chart

Ensure your virtual environment has:

pip install matplotlib numpy skipole

Create a directory, and move to it, then create a project "myproj", note the trailing space dot, for current directory.

python -m skilift myproj .

which creates the file in your current directory.

Run the project and use skiadmin to add a paras.TagUnEscaped widget with name 'matptest' on the template page 4001.

Edit the start of your file to include the imports:

from io import StringIO

from matplotlib.figure import Figure

import numpy as np

And edit the end_call function as shown here:

def end_call(page_ident, page_type, skicall):
    """This function is called prior to returning a page,
       it can also be used to return an optional session cookie string."""

    # The following code could have been set in a submit_data function called by a responder,
    # but in this simple case it is set here when the returned page is the template page
    # with ident number 4001
    if page_ident[1] == 4001:
        # this template page contains the TagUnEscaped widget which holds the inline svg figure created here

        # Generate the svg figure
        fig = Figure()
        ax = fig.subplots()
        # create a plot, this example from the matplotlib website
        x = np.linspace(0, 2, 100)
        ax.plot(x, x, label='linear')  # Plot some data on the axes.
        ax.plot(x, x**2, label='quadratic')  # Plot more data on the axes...
        ax.plot(x, x**3, label='cubic')  # ... and some more.
        ax.set_xlabel('x label')  # Add an x-label to the axes.
        ax.set_ylabel('y label')  # Add a y-label to the axes.
        ax.set_title("Simple Plot")  # Add a title to the axes.
        ax.legend()  # Add a legend.
        # Save it to a temporary string buffer.
        with StringIO() as figbuffer:
            fig.savefig(figbuffer, format="svg")
            # The figbuffer.getvalue() string contains the code however,the beginning of
            # the string contains xml information before the svg tag which we want to remove:
            figdata = '<svg' + figbuffer.getvalue().split('<svg')[1]

        # so figdata can now be set into a TagUnEscaped widget called matptest
        # this widget has been set in the template page with a 'div' tag - which will now
        # contain all the figdata code

        pd = PageData()
        pd['matptest', 'content'] = figdata


The code string produced in variable figdata is inserted into the 'matptest' widget, which serves the code without escapes, and hence the chart will be shown on the page.