Skipole WSGI generator.


Introduction Getting Started Your Code skiadmin start_call submit_data end_call Exceptions PageData SectionData skicall Serving wsgi Code Examples

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This exception can be imported using:

from skipole import ServerError

It has arguments:

ServerError(message = '', section='', widget='', status='500 Internal Server Error', code=0)

Within the Admin session pages the section on 'labels' lists a number of special pre-defined pages. One of these has label 'server_error'. Raising a ServerError exception will return the page with this label.

This gives the developer the option of using the pre-defined page, or by setting the label to point to another page, a different server error page could be defined.

The code argument is an optional error code number, which you can set if you wish. If the widget displaying the error message has a field called 'code', it will be set to this code number.

Normally leave section and widget empty to allow the message to be displayed in the page default error widget.