Skipole WSGI generator.
skipole is used to create a project which results in a wsgi application. Once you have produced such an application you will want to serve it via a web server. The instructions here describe how the Python web server 'Waitress' can be used to serve your application whenever your Pi is powered up.
These instructions assume you have no other web server running (so port 80 is free), and you are familiar with shell commands, changing directories, creating text files and setting permissions. You should also have used skipole to create an application (best start with something simple!).
This method uses Waitress running as root. Operating as root is not secure enough for Internet connection, but for a simple control project it may be suitable.
Waitress is not available in the Python standard library, you need to install it first:
apt-get install python3-waitress
As always skipole must be installed:
pip install skipole
Assuming your project is called 'myproj'.
Copy the projectfiles directory into /opt, creating directory:
Ensure skilift and the skiadmin application are removed and is edited with the following:
from waitress import serve serve(application, host='', port=80)
(So 'application' is served on all interfaces with port 80)
Give the directory and contents root ownership
sudo chown -R root:root /opt/projectfiles
Then create a file :
containing the following:
[Unit] Description=My project description [Service] Type=idle ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /opt/projectfiles/ WorkingDirectory=/opt/projectfiles Restart=on-failure # Connects standard output to /dev/null StandardOutput=null # Connects standard error to journal StandardError=journal [Install]
Then set permissions of the file
sudo chown root:root /lib/systemd/system/myproj.service
sudo chmod 644 /lib/systemd/system/myproj.service
Enable the service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable myproj.service
This starts /opt/projectfiles/ on boot up.
Useful functions to test the service:
sudo systemctl start myproj
sudo systemctl stop myproj
sudo systemctl restart myproj
sudo systemctl status myproj
sudo systemctl disable myproj
Display last lines of the journal
sudo journalctl -n
Display and continuously print the latest journal entries
sudo journalctl -f
The myproj web service is running in the background, with all logging output going to /dev/null.